Giclée reproduction of “Hotel California” from the original oil painting by artist Scott Kennedy.
About the painting
This unique painting of Hotel California was commissioned by one of the song’s biggest supporters. Kennedy’s exquisite rendition lends vivid imagery to the lyrics of Classic Rock’s most legendary song.
The awesome melody serenades us while the lyrics portray a story of excess, decadence and self-destruction during the 1970’s in Southern California.
The intricacies detailed in the painting follow the famous lyrics, yet they leave the song’s listeners free to explore their own interpretations.
Many who look at this detailed painting are convinced they know exactly where this is. Some say it is on the waterfront in Santa Barbara…some say Santa Cruz. Still others say Venice Beach. Then there are those Eagles‘ fans convinced it is Todos Santos in Baja California.
Although it is none of the above, it could be. Hotel California offers just that mystery…set to poetic rhyme.
Look closely at the painting’s intricate details and see the story unfold…
“There she stood in the doorway”
Like a siren, she stands in the doorway luring the weary traveler.
“How they dance in the courtyard”
Some dance to remember…and some dance to forget.
“Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends”
Yes, Don Henley wrote “Mercedes bends”, not “Mercedes Benz.” His clever pun suggests that the wealthy woman’s Tiffany-twisted mind (think Tiffany & Co) causes her views to be warped – like having the bends from the excess of money.
James Abuhl –
Awesome painting! The details really do help to imagine the story. Also, the colors are outstanding.