About domingo por la noche at Hussong’s Cantina
History has it that Hussong’s Cantina is where the margarita came into being. Originally a stage coach station on Avenida Ruiz, it was transformed into a cantina after Johann Hussong bought the place in the late 1800’s.
Hussong’s atmosphere is very well known as calm and easy-going. Many local shop owners gather here daily to play dominoes while on a break from work in the afternoons.
Sunday night – or domingo por la noche – is special at the cantina as many of the town’s shops are traditionally closed the next day, Mexican Monday.
About the painting “Domingo Por La Noche”
I wanted to take down this warm and inviting atmosphere of purely Mexican patrons enjoying Sunday nights in the oldest bar in Ensenada. Every Sunday night had a different crowd, many of which stood shoulder-to-shoulder.
With an easel and paints, I set up during the evenings at the far end of the building between the rear entrance and the path to the restrooms.
I strived to depict several of the establishment’s workers as they did their jobs. There was Manuel the shoe shiner, Pedro the photographer, and also the fellow handing out the electric-shock handles.
The Banda Nortena, with traditional Mariachi garb, was in the background banging out thunderous Mexican ballads with snare drums, tuba, trumpets, saxophone violins, bass drum and guitars!
Many older sketches from original artists – like Salvador Vilchez – still hang on the walls to this day.
All of this was still so familiar to me from years ago when I sailed in races as a young deck hand or drove my four-wheelers up and down Baja before there was even a paved road.
Related paintings
See also the watercolor painting “Hussong’s Cantina” from 1990, and the drawing “Hussong’s Cantina Ink Drawing” from 1972.
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